As the 2024 CrossFit Games start soon, we wanted to highlight 4 Driven athletes that are competing in the CrossFit Games!
Dex Hopkins is performing as an individual athlete in the Masters CrossFit Games.
Jordan Adcock is performing with Team TTT CrossFit Endure.
Josh Mattes and Christine Middleton are performing with Team OSCF Surge.

We asked them some questions about their experience leading up to where they are now. Here are their responses!
“What does preparation look like when prepping for the CrossFit Games?”
Dex responded, “Games prep is always the fun stuff! It’s been structured well by my coach and I feel prepared as can be.”
Jordan replied, “Preparation for the games looks like more time outside of the gym (running, swimming, field sessions) and a shift to more team training than individual sessions. Long days spent training and other hours spent working, taking care of my dogs and FUELING. Prepping for the Games is the most fun time of year for me. The variety of training is higher and it's refreshing to not be training for specific events.”
Josh stated, “Lots of training. I’m generally in the gym anywhere from 3.5-4.5 hours per day. The summer heat definitely makes things tougher and makes sleep, nutrition, and recovery that much more important.”
Christine told us, “It's all about appropriate volume and training and nutrition to get the body ready for the weekend.”
“Why did you decide to compete as Team/Individual?”
Dex (Individual Athlete): “I wanted less travel time this year. Focusing more on my kids and work life. Plus the masters season facilitated that a lot more.”
Jordan (Team Athlete): “I decided to compete asg Team because working together with people towards something is more enjoyable for me the longer I've been in the sport. I've been competing at this level since 2015 and the pressure and stress of competing as an individual just wasn't enjoyable for me anymore. Plus, what's better than suffering through hard training with other people and having a shared goal.”
Josh (Team Athlete): “I decided to compete as a team athlete last season (2023) after I had a series of injuries that derailed my seasons for 3 straight seasons from 2020-2022. Prior to those injuries I was an up and coming athlete who had competed and performed well at the regional/semi final level. I finally got healthy last season and was asked to be on a Team and accepted. Had no idea we’d qualify for the Games, but we did to our surprise. After my facial injury prior to competing at the Games last season, I immediately decided I wanted to make it back this season on a team. Due to my performance in individual competitions and in the worldwide CrossFit Open, I’ve thought about a return to individual competition in the future, but no plans are set in stone yet.”
Christine (Team Athlete): “Team is so much more fun and enjoyable. It allows for better life balance with training.”
“What are you most looking forward to?”
Dex said, “I’m looking forward to the stage! I’ve never been to the games as an individual. I hope HQ maintains the level of experience for masters and teens. It’s gonna be sick.”
Jordan stated, “I'm looking most forward to the experience and seeing what events we have in store. It's exciting for those to get revealed and then to game plan with the team on how to attack it.”
Josh replied, “Just being able to compete. Being able to show all my hard work. Having my wife there to watch me perform personally means a lot. We train alone together. We own a large furniture store and we have our own personal training space in one of our warehouses. So, I don’t attend an affiliate. My main training partners are my wife, my step daughter, and my step son. So, I can’t wait to go out there and make them proud. In Missouri we have one individual Male Games athlete, and then one Team Games athlete this season (Me). No female Games athletes from our state this season. So, I’m hoping to represent our state well!”
Christine said, “I am looking forward to all the new things. It's a new city and a new venue and there is something cool about being at the first one of something.”
“What goals do you have set for yourself, if any?”
Dex told us, “Goals this year were to stay healthy and consistent. Do my best and let the chips fall, and it seems to have paid off. First solo trip to the games in matters 35-39.”
Jordan said, “Goals I have for myself are to continue to improve as an athlete and at the games to execute each well on each event. And then to support my teammates how they need to be supported depending on each event.”
Josh replied, “My biggest goal this season was to make it to the Games. I qualified last season for the first time and directly after checking in with my team we dropped into an off site gym. At that gym I had a freak accident and had to be rushed to the hospital for emergency plastic surgery on my face. My team was forced to withdraw due to my injuries. So, my biggest goal is to be able to compete this go around. Our team goal is to place in the Top 10, which is definitely an achievable goal.”
Christine said, “If there is a lift, I wanna break another record. And I wanna be in the top 5.”
To all of our Driven athletes competing, good luck and thank you for representing us well!